Support for simple programmes - Sustainability of Union agriculture (Topic 3)

Inicio / Programas UE / AGRIP2027 / AGRIP-SIMPLE-2021-IM-SUSTAINABLE


Programme: Promotion of Agricultural Products (AGRIP)
Call: Call for proposals for simple programmes 2021 - Promotion of agricultural products EU

Topic description


Actions should highlight the sustainability of Union Agriculture, stressing its beneficial role for climate action and the environment. Actions should address how the product(s) promoted and its/their production method(s) contribute to:
(a) climate change mitigation (e.g. reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) and/or adaptation (e.g. water savings, climate-resistant crops and crop varieties) and
(b) at least one of the following:
(i) biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources (e.g. wildlife, landscape, genetic resources);
(ii) sustainable water management (e.g. water use efficiency, reduction of nutrients or pesticides load);
(iii) sustainable soil management (e.g. erosion control; nutrient balance; prevention of acidification, salinization, reduction of pesticides);
(iv) sustainable, carbon-efficient methods of livestock production.
v) reduction of use of antimicrobials
(vi) reduction of food loss and food waste
(vii) sustainable consumption
(viii) animal welfare



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