Coordination and Support Activities for Digital Innovation Hub network

Inicio / Programas UE / H2020 / DT-ICT-06-2018


Programme: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Call: Digitising and transforming European industry and services: digital innovation hubs and platforms EU

Topic description

Specific Challenge:

The challenge is to coordinate Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe


The action will link up sectorial and technological hubs with regional/national innovation hubs to improve collaboration, reinforce specialisation and offer the best possible support for SMEs and mid-caps everywhere in Europe. The action will include the organisation of workshops, conferences and dissemination material, and the development of a business model for collaboration among DIHs. The action will contribute to a catalogue of Digital Innovation Hubs which is currently under development[1]. For this support action, close cooperation with other CSAs funded under the Digitising European Industry focus area is required.

Expected Impact:
  • Creation of a sustainable network of specialised Digital Innovation Hubs, where public investments are serving several regions of Europe.

  • Reinforced links with other bottom-up initiatives, supported by regional, national and European policies and funds.

  • Increased number of services and applications operated by European companies, especially small businesses and entrepreneurs.



Software engineering, operating systems, computer High performance computing Software Design & Development Internet of Things Open Source Software System Software Cyber-physical systems Embedded computing Advanced computing Software quality Management Software Architectures Software notation & tools


I4MS Access to finance Innovation Action Catalogue of DIHs network Internet of Things SAE ICT business model Digital Innovation Hubs network ECSEL Smart Anything Everywhere Embedded systems services for SMEs sustainability national hubs public investments bottom-up initiatives regional hubs Mid-caps workshops DIHs collaboration private investments FSTP IoT SMEs entrepreneurs Cyber physical systems Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs DIHs Coordination and Support Action sustainable network conferences Digital Innovation Hubs

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