Inicio / Programas UE / H2020 / ECSEL-RIA-2019-2-Special-Topic-2

(ECSEL-RIA-2019-2-Special-Topic-2) - EDGE COMPUTING

Programme: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Call: H2020-ECSEL-2019-2-RIA-two-stage EU

Topic description


Complex computing systems at the edge of the network, like in cyber-physical systems and industrial applications, suffer from the limitations of today’s computing technologies in terms of e.g. scalability, power efficiency, reliability, security and performance. Proposal should address innovative hardware and software solutions that can provide significant advances in relevant areas.

Proposals should cover one or more of the aspects described in the non-exhaustive list below:

  • Test and experimentation of innovative computing architectures suitable for embedded and autonomous operation. Of particular interest, computing approaches supporting Artificial Intelligence techniques.
  • Automated and semi-automated tools, possibly based on Artificial Intelligence techniques, to simplify the development of systems and applications at the edge of the network, and guarantee their quality while reducing the skill level required to the developer
  • Techniques and tools to guarantee secure (including privacy aspects), safe and time-critical behaviour in complex and heterogeneous computing architectures for edge computing, while guaranteeing interoperability with the environment
  • Innovative integration of hardware and software components for efficient operation in embedded edge applications with very limited energy budget



EDGE COMPUTING ECSEL-RIA-2019-2-Special-Topic-2 - EDGE COMPUTING H2020-ECSEL-2019-2-RIA-two-stage

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