Common procurement of air and missile defence capabilities and systems

Inicio / Programas UE / EDF / EDF-EDIRPA-2024-FNLC-AMD-CS


Programme: European Defence Fund
Call: Call for proposals on air and missile defence EU

Topic description


The objectives of the Instrument are to foster the competitiveness and efficiency of the EDTIB by speeding up its adjustment to the new security environment and to foster cooperation in defence procurement processes between participating Member States and associated countries.

In this perspective, actions involving cooperation for common procurement of the most urgent and critical defence products, including those revealed or exacerbated by the response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, will be targeted by the funding priorities of the Work Programme. The latter in particular aim to ensure timely availability of sufficient quantities to fill the most urgent capability gaps, as referred to in Chapter 4 of the Joint Communication on Defence Investment Gaps Analysis of 18 May 2022.


Any eligible action as defined in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2023/2418, that aims at supporting common procurement for a wide range of capabilities/systems within air defence, air missile or missile defence. Included in this but not limited to (very) short range air defence systems ((V)SHORAD), man portable air defence systems (MANDPAD), high to medium air defence (HIMAD), ground to air ammunition, counter unmanned air systems (C-UASs), air surveillance radars and air defence radars.

EDIRPA targets cooperation in defence procurement between at least 3 Member States or EDIRPA associated countries. The cooperation should concern the common procurement of defence systems or variants of systems.

The activities to be funded are all those required for the set-up and operationalisation of common defence procurement in the area of air and missile defence capabilities and systems.

Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to the reinforcement of air and missile defence capabilities of the participants. Furthermore, it should contribute to the replenishment of depleted stockpiles and to increase existing stockpiles. It is also intended to lead to increased interoperability among participants.

The expected estimated value of a common procurement for actions under this topic aiming to ensure the availability of sufficient quantities of the most urgent and critical defence products to fill the most urgent capability gaps is EUR 250 000 000.



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