Social Services helpdesk

Inicio / Programas UE / ESF / ESF-2021-SOCHD


Programme: European Social Fund + (ESF)
Call: Social Services helpdesk EU

Topic description


The objective of the call is to finance a “Social Services Helpdesk” that will help Managing Authorities use ESF+, REACT-EU, ERDF and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (and other relevant EU funds) for evidence-based social services intervention and help social service access said funds.

To achieve this, the Helpdesk will raise awareness and understanding about ESF+ and REACT-EU (and other relevant EU funds) about how funding can better support social services, facilitate use of and access to EU funds for social services and facilitate exchange and co-operation between Managing Authorities, social services and the European Commission to ensure that funding priorities are based on an assessment of social needs and on effective evidence-based interventions, including through the development of simplification measures at national level (Article 67 of the Common Provision Regulation)



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