Organised Crime

Inicio / Programas UE / ISF / ISF-2023-TF2-AG-OC-Organised-Crime

(ISF-2023-TF2-AG-OC-Organised-Crime) - ORGANISED CRIME

Programme: Internal Security Fund (ISF)
Call: Call for proposals on Organised Crime EU

Topic description


The call for proposals aims to support the work of law enforcement authorities, international organisations, civil society and other public and private bodies in dismantling criminal networks and their business models. In addition, the call aims to focus on two specific crimes that require particular attention due to their prevalence and damage to citizens and society as a whole: drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings.

The call contains 4 horizontal priority areas (for all organised crimes) and 2 crime-specific priority areas:

  • improving the intelligence picture on criminal networks
  • facilitating cross border investigations
  • facilitating financial investigations
  • supporting crime prevention measures
  • strengthening capabilities to fight drug trafficking
  • strengthening the fight against trafficking in human beings

This initiative is part of the ISF Thematic Facility Work programme 2023-25 which contributes to the efforts of organisations and EU Member States to tackle and dismantle the lucrative profits or organised crime networks.



Smuggling Public private partnerships Money laundering Investigations Asset recovery Criminal structures Illicit Drug Financial investigations Organised crime Organised criminal groups Crime prevention Security Cross border investigations Criminal networks Drugs Trafficking of cultural goods Prevention Exploitation Crime Drug trafficking Trafficking The administrative approach High value targets Environmental crime Law enforcement Confiscation Trafficking in Human Beings

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