Advanced Technologies for More Affordable Composite Fuselage

Inicio / Programas UE / H2020 / JTI-CS2-CPW-AIR-02-03


Programme: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Call: Clean Sky 2 Call for Core Partners Wave 1 EU

Topic description


This Topic is addressed to the improvement of advanced technologies and methodologies coming from the Clean Sky - GRA ITD, FP7 MAAXIMUS, FP7 SARISTU with the aim to make them ready for the industrialization phase of a new regional aircraft fuselage.All proposed methodologies and technologies shall be validated by the building block approach, from the coupon level up to fuselage sub-component level (real scale flat and curved panels) through element level (details representative of skin/stringers, fittings, aft. pressure bulkhead, window frames, floor structure). The main expected outcome of this Topic shall consist of matured methodologies and technologies to be integrated in the full-scale fuselage demonstrator within the WP 3.2 of Regional Aircraft IADP.

The activities to be performed by the Core Partner(s) are in the following 2 linked areas:

• Development of advanced methodologies and technologies for maintenance, repair, non-destructive inspection and structural health monitoring; • Fuselage components design, manufacturing and testing for verification and validation of new methodologies and technologies.Please refer for the full and formal topic description to Annex I of the Clean Sky 2 Work Plan 2014-2015 (see under the tab "Topic Conditions and Documents")


ACT Acoustic Measurements and Test Technology SAD Structural Analysis and Design SMT Structures behaviour and Material Testing SMS Smart Materials and Structures CMP Composite Materials & basic processes AMP Advanced Manufacturing Processes & Technologie


Aircraft Composite Fuselage Flight Aeronautics Structural Health Monitoring

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