VHBR Engine - IP Turbine Technology

Inicio / Programas UE / H2020 / JTI-CS2-CPW-ENG-03-01


Programme: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Call: Clean Sky 2 Call for Core Partners Wave 1 EU

Topic description


The development and demonstration of various technologies required to deliver a High-Speed Low Pressure Turbine module for very high bypass ratio engine application (Aerodynamic, Aeromechanical, Material, Manufacturing and Methods) maximising turbine efficiency within a compact structure in order to maximize and validate overall performance, structural integrity, reduced weight, cost and noise benefits. Includes the design, development, build and test of modules required to demonstrate these technologies at a scale suitable for large engines in whole engine ground and flight testing.

Please refer for the full and formal topic description to Annex I of the Clean Sky 2 Work Plan 2014-2015 (see under the tab "Topic Conditions and Documents")


BTT2 Advanced design technologies EXP Experimental Facilities and Measurement Techni BTT1 New materials TPA Turbomachinery / Propulsion Aerodynamics BTT Breakthrough technologies TBC Test Bench Calibration CMM Computational methods LSP Large scale validation Platforms


Turbines Aeronautics Vhbr Aircraft Flight Bypass Ratio

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