ERA-NET Cofund on Raw materials

Inicio / Programas UE / H2020 / SC5-17-2016


Programme: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Call: Greening the Economy EU

Topic description

Specific Challenge:

In order to secure sustainable supply of raw materials to the EU society, the raw materials sector needs to strengthen its performance and competitiveness through research and innovation. Stronger integration of national and regional R&I programmes across the whole EU is needed to tap the potential of available funding and to reach the critical mass pushing the EU raw materials sector to the forefront in the sustainable production of primary and secondary raw materials and scarce materials substitution.


The objective of the ERA-NET is to strengthen co-ordination of national and regional research programmes in the field of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials, while building on the experience of ERA-MIN ERA-NET. This should be achieved in line with the integrated strategy proposed in the EU Raw Materials Initiative (RMI) and the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials. The ERA-NET should cover the whole raw materials value chain including exploration, extraction and processing technologies and recycling, as well as substitution.

Proposals should pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national (or regional) research programmes with a view to implementing a joint call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties with EU co-funding in this area. Proposers are encouraged to include other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding.

Participation of legal entities from international partner countries and/or regions is encouraged in the joint call as well as in other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding. Participants from countries which are not automatically eligible for funding[1] may nonetheless request a Union contribution (on the basis of the ERA-NET unit cost) for the co-ordination costs of additional activities.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution in the range of EUR 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact:

Actions are expected to lead to:

  • achieving the objectives of the EIP Raw Materials, particularly in the area of research and innovation co-ordination;
  • reduced fragmentation of raw materials research and innovation efforts across Europe;
  • improved synergy, co-ordination and coherence between regional, national and EU funding in the relevant research fields through transnational collaboration, and where appropriate international collaboration;
  • improved use of human and financial resources in the area of raw materials research and innovation.
Cross-cutting Priorities:

International cooperation



Robotics for mining and quarrying Industrial waste Computational engineering and computer aided desig Environmental and geological engineering, geotechn Urban and regional economics Robotic system development Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automati Environmental planning Radio Frequency / Microwave Communications Remote sensing Analytical chemistry Global and transnational governance, international Political systems and institutions, governance Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, Mineralogy Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceram Minerals and mining Environmental regulations and climate negotiations Mechatronics Econometrics, statistical methods Informal science education Earth Observation Payload Data Exploitation International trade Science education Seabed mining and minerals extraction Political economy, institutional economics, law an Formal science education Terrestrial ecology, land cover change Occupational health Metallurgy Biodiversity conservation Robot navigation Business plan Waste water treatment Geochemistry and geophysics Earth observations from space/remote sensing Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorp Industrial design Product innovation Forestry Robotics Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, i Public engagement Chemical process engineering Intelligent robotics, cybernetics Control engineering Industrial design (product design, ergonomics, man Adult education Inorganic and nuclear chemistry Geo-information and spatial data analysis Remote Sensing Instruments / Sensors Paper and wood Mining and mineral processing Industrial Automation and Robotics, mechatronics Technology development Geology Physical chemistry, Polymer science, Electrochemis Applied and industrial chemistry Materials engineering Licensing Natural resources exploration and exploitation Chemical engineering (plants, products) Patents S3 - Land monitoring (Copernicus service) Plant sciences, botany Waste recycling


wood-based industrial competitiveness land tenure, Critical Raw Materials waste collection systems after-closure activities supply of primary wood European Institute of Technology WEEE accompanying elements Brazil local communities low impact mining data on mineral occurrences and deposits extractive industry training construction raw materials land use planning construction products mining regions Circular Economy non agricultural raw materials mineral deposits Raw materials safeguarding valuable mineral deposits waste batteries valuable mineral deposits Industry 2020 pilot demonstrations R&I programmes South Africa LULUCF models on demand-supply forecast land-use planning nature conservation Forest Europe Materials Systems Analysis unrestricted access to raw materials raw materials data European Structural and Investment Funds reduction in waste rehabilitation mining permitting industrial minerals supply of raw material from international markets EU network of mining and metallurgy regions ERDF sustainable access to raw materials smart specialisation Optimising collection of raw materials data wood raw materials regions reduction in waste generation Peru metallurgy primary raw materials EIT ore-forming phases wood mobilisation EU competence and expertise network of regions robotics subsurface planning refining technologies after mining critical raw materials silvicultural measures tailings management environmental dimensions of extraction CRM pyro-metallurgical CONNEX economic stability in the raw materials supply EU decision-making non-energy non-agricultural SLO World governance non agricultural processing EU regions Social Licence to Operate bio-metallurgical metals Raw Materials Knowledge Base sustainable supply of raw materials minerals sustainable production of primary and secondary raw materials continental mining EU raw materials sector Rare Earth Elements mineral processing ESIF EIP on Raw Materials CRM-Innonet raw materials supply Technology Readiness Levels innovation efforts across Europe complex ores awareness of the importance of raw materials raw materials sector dynamic analysis of global materials flows automation recovery of minerals forest owners e-procedure Canada environmental impacts trust Chile national and regional research programmes research and innovation co-ordination extraction land use non energy raw materials small mineral deposits industrial waste ERA-MIN raw materials flows social dimensions of extraction packaging waste equipment manufacturing metallurgy raw materials framework conditions recycling packaging and paper waste remote sensing rural development selective low impact mining deposits ERA-NET public trust USA electro-metallurgical access to land furniture international cooperation permitting procedures secondary raw materials Raw Materials Initiative urbanization metallurgical technologies raw materials investment sustainable systemic solutions hydro-metallurgical raw materials flows at global level by products primary sources deep mining UNECE primary minerals International network of raw materials training centres mining in hazardous conditions licensing processes sustainable production remote sensing technologies international education tyres World Forum on Raw Materials TRL recovery of by-products Knowledge and Innovation Community pyrometallurgical mining in extreme conditions supply metal production electrical equipment non-energy raw materials accompanying minerals extractive industry Raw materials Innovation mining waste forest ownership e-waste US end of life products chambers of agriculture and forestry EAFRD Materials Flow Analysis United States of America biometallurgical Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment access to raw materials worldwide metallurgical processes electrical and electronic equipment licensing procedures EIP for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability international training low-carbon technologies UNEP Resource Panel environmental and social dimensions of extraction international for a Mexico raw materials recovery public acceptance sensitive exploration technologies sustainable way EU Forest Strategy mining wastes fair access to raw materials dynamic analysis of materials flows sustainable EU network of regions raw materials value chains Critical raw Materials list non-agricultural raw materials mineral policies environmental and socio-economic impacts European Innovation Partnership exploration technologies fair and unrestricted access to raw materials potential deposits low grade ores EU raw materials industry socio-economic impacts waste streams remote control and operation hydrometallurgical transnational collaboration emissions generation Study on Data Inventory for a Raw Material System Analysis process selectivity Raw Materials policy electronic equipment resource-efficiency national mineral policies non-energy electrometallurgical OECD mining project European Structural and Investment Funds small industrial mining EU international co-operation in research and innovation EU knowledge base mining companies scarce materials substitution production efficiency industrial wastes land-use planning policies and practices CRMs SIMWOOD United States Data Inventory for a Raw Material System Analysis waste end-of-life products Raw materials policy geophysical data harmonisation CRM list extractive industry education Latin America non energy International Study Groups global nature of raw materials value chains sustainable exploration minerals intelligence data environmental impacts of the mining exploration EIP on Raw Materials, acceptance KIC CENELEC Japan raw materials permitting and licensing procedures Good practice mineral raw materials flows primary and secondary raw materials recycling rates supply of raw materials by-products smart regulation, effective access to raw materials Australia training programmes knowledge of raw materials sustainable mining technologies Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability processing and refining technologies Raw Materials policy non-agricultural demand supply forecast Strategic Implementation Plan raw materials policy secondary sources Raw materials international cooperation International Resource Panel recovery of metals Intelligent continental mining permitting market uptake demand-supply forecast forest-based bioeconomy mineral deposits of public importance European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development metallurgy regions mineral occurrences EU Bioeconomy Strategy Expert network on Critical Raw Materials mining education selective mining sustainable wood mobilisatio transport vehicles European raw materials industries raw materials training centres after-mining waste generation refining Sankey diagrams standardisation European Regional Development Fund EIP wood supply international co-operation in research and innovation collection of raw materials data recovery of resources from generated waste electrochemical technologies the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining intelligent mining systems training centres framework conditions processing technologies sustainable supply of primary and secondary raw materials paper waste acceptance and trust in a sustainable raw materials production fragmentation of raw materials research ERECON INSPIRE Directive secondary minerals G20 knowledge gaps Colombia primary and secondary sources small mining

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